Here are some great tips for you to have a successful website

Story tell your website. What I mean is put yourselves in the shoes of your audience. Make them the hero. You want to speak to them that helps them solve a problem. You are the guide. When your website helps solve a problem they are having, then you are on to something special.

Focus on the individual

One of the things I recommend is adding a quote or two about someone else who has used you before. You can call that a review or just a blurb about how you have helped someone. People love to read that. That is a big reason why review sites work so well. We want to know what others think about you.

The difference between have a website that is effective is how much you focus on the customer, not yourself.

SEO your website

Download a tool in Google Chrome call “SEO Meta in 1 Click”. Once you download this and pin it to your bar, you can click on it when you are on your website and it will tell you how your SEO is doing when it comes to meta information. This is a very important component to your website – how Google sees your website.

SEO is a massive component to your website!

Generate Leads!

One of the best tools you can add to your website is a lead-generator. Offer something that is of value to your user, in exchange for their name and email. That is a hot lead you just got and you should treat it very well. You website can have multiple lead-generators. Perhaps try and have one for every page of your website.

Published On: June 24th, 2022 / Categories: Digital Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Marketing Strategy /

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